Resetting your password
Did you forget your password and you can't log in? You can reset your password by clicking "Forgot password?" on the TangibleXP login form or navigate to directly.
Next, input the email address you used when you registered your account.
Once you click "Reset", you'll receive an email with a password reset link with the subject "Your Tangible account password reset".
Clicking the link will open a form you can enter your new password in. Make sure to type it in carefully and save it somewhere secure! Your new password must be at least 12 characters long and contain at least one number.
Once you're done entering your new password, click "Confirm". Your password will be saved, and you'll be redirected to the login form, where you can use it to log into your account.
Still having trouble accessing your account? Reach out to support by emailing [email protected]