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Getting Started with Backups

Backups of your application are taken daily. You can download any of these backups or restore your application to one at any time.

Export a backup

Go to your TXP dashboard, select an application and click on the Backups tab. Find the backup from the list and select Export: Export Backup

On the following screen click Create Export: Create Export

Your backup will be prepared for download. When it is ready you will be notified via e-mail. Alternatively you can refresh the page until the status has changed from Exporting to Ready: Export Pending

Once your backup is ready the Export button will be replaced with the word Download. You may now click Download to download a copy of your backup to your local machine: Export Ready

Restoring a Backup

To restore a backup, navigate to the Backups tab under your application and click the Restore button next to the desired backup: Restore Backup

On the following screen, you will see some details about the backup. Select a Restore Type from the drop-down menu. You can choose to restore the full backup which will restore both the files and the database. Or you can choose to do a partial restore by selecting files only or database only: Restore Type

Once you're ready, click the Restore Backup button: Restore Backup Button

You'll see a notice that the restore job has been scheduled, and you will receive a success email once the restore process has completed: Restore Scheduled